Elías Moreno Mata

We come in peace We go in peace

Full Stack Developer, sometimes I also design webs : ). Experienced in team & single projects Love to code, learn and improve.

Watch me in your laptop for full hover experience!

laptop personal computer mobile phone

Current Stack & growing

Last Full Stack Projects

#NextJs #React #MySql #NodeJs #ReactNative
Clinic business


Digital Newspaper + CMS

NextJs, NodeJs, Strapi

Fruit bussiness Online Store

NextJs, Google Analytics

Mobile APP

React Native, NodeJs, MySQL

InHouse Besoccer Project


Filter Store Concept

NextJs, TypeScript

Wordpress work

Did you try turning off and on again?
Phil Jackson Company

Digital Company Website

Manuel Burgos

Architecture website

Bang Studio

Customized Sneakers Store

Vesania Moda

Women's clothing store

Ownstyle Banus

Urban Store

Zarzaparrilla Saloon

Western Blog

Gastrobar La Cueva


Oeste Vaquero

Niche Amazon website

Frontend Junior Projects

MERN stack and more...
Slides Design Demo

React & Ownl Carousel

We Teach Frontend

NextJS, Tailwind, MongoDB

Fetch, Crud, Posts Demo

React & Typescript

About me

Born in the 80s, raised in the 90s, living 21st Century full
normal hover

London, Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga.

You don't know a place until you live there. Working in these big cities opened my mind to another level. Now I enjoy going back home, my hometown, and the people who are always around.

From University to a self-taught person.

If my degree in Pedagogy taught me something, it was the importance of continuous learning. That is why I never stop meeting and adopting new things in this wonderful world of programming and design. I am an eclectic person, trying to connect the dots as that wonderful mind once said. Now, finally, I can consider myself a Full Stack Developer.

Vital CV

I wanted to collect all the teachings outside the classical curriculum. All the readings, learnings, talks and wisdom of extraordinary people that made an impact to me are collected here. Everything I absorbed made me the person that I am. Here you can see it.


Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984

Full Stack

We love to the develop websites, APIS, databases, whatever you need... See my last personal project here! and value my skills. Hope you like it : )

Not everything is about programming. Just almost everything.


React Native & Expo

Mobile apps for IOS and Android using React Native and Expo. It simplifies the development and deployment process.

We can build quickly prototypes and cross-platform apps without having to write native code.


React & NextJS

React-based framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) and statically generated web applications. It provides features like server-side rendering and static file serving.

Build easily performant and SEO-friendly web applications..


JavaScript & PHP

I have worked in a daily basis for more than two years with those languages, now trying to aquire a senior level and get more involved with all the logic.

Open to work with both languages and hope to learn more after them.


Website Design

We design your website from scratch. Tell us your idea, tell us about your business or yourself and we will take care of everything.

A love for your project that we will feel like ours.Get involved or not worry at all, you choose.


WordPress sites

More than 70% of the websites are created with Wordpress. Economical templates designs so you can have a website up running in a few days.

We recommend the best hosting and all the essentials so that you can easily maintain it.

If you want me, you could have me

Except to help you with the moving van
Data safe from Space Invaders

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